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How Effective Legal Representation Can Help Reduce Reckless Driving Charges

Reckless driving is a serious offense in Virginia. Being convicted with reckless driving can lead to jail time, steep fines, and a criminal record that can stay with you for life. You may have your license suspended or revoked, and face higher insurance rates as a result of your charges. When it comes to reckless driving charges, the stakes are high. For this reason, more and more Virginia drivers are seeking effective legal representation in reckless driving cases to have their charges reduced or dismissed. 

At Driving Defense Law, we help our clients build a strong defense and protect their rights at every step of a reckless driving case. Through our representation, we have successfully resolved countless reckless driving cases by reducing the charges, negotiating a plea deal, or having the charges dismissed entirely. If you are facing reckless driving charges in Virginia, you have options to challenge these charges and avoid a criminal conviction. To learn more about how our team can help, consider connecting with us at (757) 929-0335 today. 

What Is Reckless Driving in Virginia?

Any person who drives a vehicle recklessly or in a manner that endangers the safety of others can be charged with reckless driving. Article 7 of the Code of Virginia provides for over a dozen different ways that a person can be charged with reckless driving, which include excessive speed, driving too fast for road conditions, passing a stopped school bus, road racing, and failing to use a proper signal, among others. Unlike other moving violations like minor speeding tickets, reckless driving is a Class 1 misdemeanor charge. As such, there are stringent penalties that accompany a reckless driving charge in Virginia. 

What Are the Penalties of Reckless Driving Charges? 

Broadly speaking, all criminal offenses are categorized into one of three classifications: infractions, misdemeanors, or felonies. Infractions are the least serious offenses, such as speeding tickets or failure to yield, for example. Misdemeanors are more serious than infractions but less serious than felonies. 

Reckless driving is a misdemeanor charge, meaning it carries more severe penalties than a simple speeding ticket or other traffic infraction. The maximum penalties of reckless driving charges include: 

  • Up to one year in jail 
  • $2,500 in fines
  • Suspension or revocation of license
  • Probation

Moreover, if you are convicted of reckless driving in Virginia, it will create a criminal record. Your criminal record can be seen by potential employers, creditors, and leasing agents, for instance. This underscores the gravity of these charges, as a reckless driving conviction can have a long-lasting effect on several areas of your life, from employment to housing to your ability to purchase a vehicle. 

Since misdemeanor offenses can result in jail time, those charged with reckless driving have the right to appear before a judge and a jury. With so much at stake, many people seek assistance from experienced attorneys to help navigate the trial and reduce their reckless driving charges. Ultimately, having legal representation in reckless driving cases can make all the difference in the outcome of the case. 

What Are the Benefits of Having Legal Representation in Reckless Driving Cases?

It may not be immediately obvious, but you do have options for fighting a reckless driving charge even in situations where you believe you were guilty. The first step to fighting your charges is to identify a knowledgeable attorney to represent you in court. Hiring an attorney can be the most important investment you make into your future, allowing you to avoid jail time and a criminal record. The following are some of the key advantages of having legal representation in reckless driving cases. 

Building a Strong Legal Defense 

Defending your rights in court is essential in reckless driving cases, and your attorney will work diligently to build the strongest legal defense for your case. There are a range of defenses that your attorney can use to challenge your charges, including speedometer calibration, inaccurate radar or lidar reading, and lack of probable cause, to name a few. Your attorney will review the facts of your case to choose the right legal defense strategy to have your charges reduced or dismissed altogether. 

Reducing Your Charges

Since reckless driving is a misdemeanor offense, reducing the charges to a minor infraction is integral to avoiding jail time, expensive financial penalties, and a criminal record. Negotiating your charges to a lesser offense, such as careless driving, may be helpful to this extent. Other strategies such as reaching an agreement with the police officer, attending a driver improvement clinic, or completing community service may be sufficient to having your charges reduced by the court. 

Avoiding Court Hearings

When you are charged with reckless driving in Virginia, you are required to attend a court hearing for your case. When you hire legal representation in reckless driving cases, your attorney may be able to appear in court on your behalf, ensuring that you do not need to miss work and lose wages.  

Accessing Necessary Resources

When you hire a Driving Defense Lawyer, your attorney will develop a personalized plan following your initial consultation. While our team will guide you through this process step-by-step, we are proud to offer additional resources that may be helpful to our clients. These resources include information about driver’s safety school, community service opportunities, the local court system, and other educational content to help make the process as transparent as possible. 

Speak with an Experienced Attorney at Driving Defense Law Today

If you are facing reckless driving charges, you may feel intimidated and unsure of your options. Being charged with a criminal offense is never easy, and we understand the gravity of the situation. Driving Defense Law was established to serve Virginia drivers who are facing criminal charges for reckless driving. We are dedicated to providing effective legal representation in reckless driving cases and working tirelessly to defend our clients’ rights. To begin building your legal defense today, consider calling or texting us at (757) 929-0335 to schedule your free case evaluation with our team.